Garden Robin

Garden Robin

Monday, 23 May 2016

Quick Update

Garden Nesting Activity

The Blue Tit eggs hatched last Wednesday 18th May. It was initially difficult to count the nestlings but finally counted nine so all the eggs have hatched!
(Sorry photos not the best!).

I thought the young wrens had fledged at the weekend but I was wrong - the adults are still going in and out of the nest. I spent ages trying to get a photo which is difficult as I don't want to stop the adults feeding - this is the best I could manage. (I promise if you enlarge the photo you can just make out one of the adults perched among the patio pots and on it's way to the nest).

Moths and Butterflies

I've not been putting out the moth trap much over the last two weeks as catches were so low - Shuttle-shaped Dart is the only new moth species for the year. There are several Holly Blues around the garden most days and we are still seeing the occasional Orange Tip.

Wildflower Meadow

The Yellow Rattle plugs have been planted in the Wildflower Meadow but we didn't really need to order them as hundreds of the seeds have germinated. As long as they all survive the meadow will look a picture when they all flower and hopefully the plants will help to eradicate the couch grass.

A few of the Yellow Rattle plants among other species


  1. Good to see the Blue tits are doing well as is the Wren, we have young in our box as well, which is rather exciting as the box must have been up three years with nothing in. The box is above the kitchen window so I can see mum and dad coming in with food. Sometimes they will rest on the washing line, and I can see they are bringing in tiny caterpillars. Not sure how long it takes them to fledge, but they are probable the same age as yours.
    Cold and damp weather has meant no moth trap out this week, a odd bee and still no butterflies to record.
    The Mason bees are doing well in the front garden though, and have spotted a few new "Weeds" I can add to the list next week for the garden bio blitz.
    Take care
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks very much Amanda. Great news about your nestbox. Mum and Dad years ago had one above their kitchen window which was often used! They are in the nest for about 18/19 days and usually, although not always!, leave early am.

      I haven't trapped now for nearly 2 weeks - must make the effort this weekend due to Garden Moth Scheme as you can only miss so many weeks. The odd Holly Blue and "White" sighting here when the sun does appear and occasional bee.

      I think we have Mason bees in our insect box for the first time. I need to examine the material used to fill the hole more closely but doesn't look like bits of leaves.

      I went out this afternoon looking for "weeds" in the back garden. Many same as usual but a few "new" ones - one is yellow think it may be one of the "mustards"?? Need to get flowers id'd next week. Plus there is one of those "sticky" tiny white flower species. Hopefully, camera lens may be back by end of next week. Wish you could get an id book on garden "weeds" - although possibly there is one out there somewhere and I haven't spotted it!

      Take care too and have a good bank holiday weekend if you have time off from work.

    2. This helps with some of the weeds we get...

      I just put in Weed ID UK some good links came up, they might be some use.
      Amanda xx

    3. Thanks so much Amanda - will check those out. I am sure they will be very useful!! :)

  2. Good news with the blue tits all hatching. I cross fingers most will survive! I can hear babies peeping in our nest under the roof tiles which is so cute. Have seen the adults going in and out but don't think anything is using the nest boxes this year. Good news also about the Yellow Rattle - hopefully that will sort out the grass. I look forward to seeing it in flower!

    1. Thanks Mandy - sadly, several of the blue tits have died - now done to 5 :( I suspect 9 is too many to raise in a garden. Just hoping some survive to fledging!

      Will post some photos when Yellow Rattle is in flower - there seem more wild flowers all round up there this year. Will try and get some pictures later this week - have been hanging on hoping for my Olympus lens to be returned but no sign yet although I have paid for the repair! By the way discovered today that the fold out screen on the Canon doesn't have to be folded out but can be placed flat on back of camera under viewfinder which is much easier for me to use! Need to persevere with the Bridge - the person I was talking to was raving about its qualities for insect photography. Must be doing a lot wrong!!!
